Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter 3 Part 2

“Ugh, why we need so many books I will never know,” Mia complained as they hauled books off the shelves and onto their table. “Why can’t you just do a spell to do this for us?”
“Because you know how I don’t like to use magic. And besides, you could use the exercise.” Kassie said as she searched the shelves. They’ve been at this all afternoon, and so far all they have to show for it is dust. How many old books do they have here anyway?
“Well I don’t know about you but…hey what’s this?” Mia pulled a book off one of the shelves and blew the dust off. “I think I’ve found something” Mia said holding up the book for Kassie to see. It was a raggedy book, with its pages so loose that it looked like it would fall right out of the book. Mia carefully carried the book over to the table and set it down.
“Wow, this is one old book,” Kassie stated as she opening the book, releasing more dust into the air. “This book dates back almost two-hundred years ago,” Kassie pointed at the date that the book was published, “are you sure that this is what we’re looking for?”
“I’m sure. Now come on, we have to check this book out.” Mia picked the book back up and headed over to the check-out desk.
“We still have to put these books back,” Kassie motioned to the books. Mia turned around and smiled at her.

hehe, tiny chapter today :P