Monday, May 30, 2011

Chapter 3 Part 1

Mrs. Vixen walked down the hall with the stone box in her hands. She turned the corner and entered the Head Mistress’s office. The room was dimly lit, with a dark brown desk, some chairs and a fireplace. Everything looked normal except for the witch’s glass that shined brightly, with its round smooth surface. “I’ve taken her power from her, just as you’ve ordered.” Mrs. Vixen said, placing the box on the desk and turning to face Mrs. Circe. Mrs. Circe turned away from the witch’s glass and looked at Mrs. Vixen.
“Excellent, in three days time Mia’s full potential will be revealed to her. And she will have no choice but to give in to her magic by then.” With this Mrs. Circe gave out a hideous shriek that was supposed to be considered laughter.

“Come on, Kassie. Do you want to help me or not?” Mia said, motioning to the door. All she wanted Kassie to do was to make copies of themselves so it would seem that they were still in bed  and not out doing what Mrs. Vixen called ‘playing adventure.’ I don’t think I’m asking too much of her, its basic magic.
“Okay, okay, I’ll do it.” Kassie turned to the mirror while picking up some chalk from the dresser. She drew a strange drawing -that looked something like an eye with a squiggly line through it- and said a few strange words to herself. She erased the drawing with her sleeve and touched the mirror. She pulled her hand away and took a few steps back. Her reflection hadn’t moved. Her reflection starting blinking as if it had woken up from a deep sleep and stepped out of the mirror.
“I don’t care how many times you do that spell but it will always freak me out,” Mia said looking at the two Kassies that were now in the room.
“Reflection, go to bed and don’t wake up until we return,” Kassie ordered the reflection. Mia never thought it was fair to call that thing a “reflection.” But every time Mia mentioned it, Kassie would tell her about how making a reflection was no different than copying a picture.
“Now its your turn,” Kassie said, putting the same drawing on the mirror. Except after Kassie said the magic words, Mia touched the mirror instead of Kassie. Mia’s reflection did not blink like Kassie’s did; it just walked out of the mirror and put its hand on its hip. Since Mia always had more attitude then Kassie did, so did her reflection.
“Hey, my other self,” Mia said as the reflection faced her. “You get to go take a nap until we come back, got it?”
“Got it,” it said as it walked to Mia’s bed and got in. “And I’m guessing I can’t come out of the bed until you come back either, right?”
“Right,” Mia answered as she followed Kassie out of the room and into the dark hallway. The hallways were never monitored since the kids here didn’t dare break the rules. Mia always said it was because they were all just of a bunch of ignorant, stuck-up snobs. They raced each other to the library and down the shelves until they found what they were looking for. The Peacekeeper.
“Now it’s your turn to put in some work,” Kassie said as Mia pulled out the amulet and put it in the hole. The tunnel opened up to greet them and they began their decent downward. Mia found a torch nearby -she thought it was weird to find a torch down there too- and carried it down the stairs. Soon they came to the end of the stairs and found nothing except a wall.
“Oh, this is great. We skipped class so we could go find this stupid tunnel.” Kassie yelled, clearly mad about having to do magic for nothing. “Then, we snuck out of our dorms, come down a tunnel that we were told not to go down. And now we find out that we did all of that for-.”
“Will you just shut up for two seconds?! There’s something on the wall.” Mia said, holding her torch up higher so she could see more. The wall was filled with some sort of strange writing.
“Whoa,” Kassie said, just now noticing the writing. “What do you think it says?”
“What makes you think I know?” Mia gave Kassie a your-an-idiot look. “You’re the one that took Latin, does any of this look familiar?”
“If it was Latin then I wouldn’t have asked you what it meant.” Kassie returned the look, “It must be some other really old language. And we aren’t going to get very far if we can’t read this so we better just head back up and come back tomorrow.” Kassie headed to the stairs and turned around to wait for Mia.
“Oh, no. Don’t tell me we have to do research.” Mia looked as if she was about to fall asleep as she walked up to Kassie.
“I thought you liked to read,” Kassie said as they started up the stairs together.
“I like to read for fun, not for some boring research,” Mia said as she put the torch back where she found it. Once they got out Kassie took the amulet out and handed it to Mia, who put it back in her back pocket. Mia sighed “but it looks like I have no choice.”

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